OK. Well. I said in my previous post that I would follow it with a straight list of the 90 LPs from which I have disencumbered myself already. BUT honestly that idea does not appeal to me in the least. In particular, as I looked at the list in preparation for that expedient method of disposing of their mention in these esteemed digital halls of history, I really began to feel that I had to give the LPs a bit more attention than just to list them with little or no elaboration.
I reckon I still am not going to give these LPs nearly as much attention as I would like to do, but then again I'm pretty sure I am not the first or only person ever to mention and make comments on these albums. I don't have the time or knowledge really to do each one quite that much justice. So, I'll report off the top of my head and that will be it, pretty much.

The first two albums that flew out of my collection (on the same day) were two Beatles albums.
One was the so-called 'White Album.' It came to be called that because it was released in a plain white cover with "The Beatles" embossed unobtrusively on it. Released in 1968, it is actually TWO LPs - aka a 'double album.' I read just recently in Geoff Emerick's book "Here, There, & Everywhere" that the 'White Album' got no other name because The Beatles could not settle on one in consensus. They had not too long before suffered the death of their manager, Brian Epstein (drug overdose at age 37), and they were just returning from their trip to India when they began recording the tracks that became the 'White Album.' So, their perspective, their camaraderie, their outlook were quite different for the making of this album than it was for the previous recordings. This album marked a significant turning point in the lives of these men who made such an irreversible impression on the world of their day. I believe the effects of their contribution are still reverberating.
The other Beatles LP that slipped from my fingers that day (not so unwillingly because it fetched a decent sum in return!) was 'Rubber Soul.' 'Rubber Soul' is The Beatles' sixth LP, but due to separate releases in countries outside the UK, it could conceivably be counted as somewhere between the tenth and fifteenth album recorded by The Beatles. Released in 1965, it included fourteen tracks. Among them was a Grammy-winning song called "Michelle" as well as "Norwegian Wood," "Drive My Car," "You Won't See Me," and "Nowhere Man."
Like so much of their music, the appeal is truly timeless.
You can see by the pics that these records saw a lot of use - and a great deal of love - over the years.